Featured in the NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE - AND YOU SHOULD KNOW, could not have been a better title.... oh Roseanne I get it now !!!
It defiantly explained where a lot of that raw energy came from while watching the hit TV series Rosanne,  ... after reading this I have a whole new RESPECT for Roseanne Barr and really there is not another show that every portrayed "a fierce working-class Domestic Goddess" she tells it like it is.

Below my favorite quote from this story.......... but you must read the whole article link at the bottom.

"When the show went to No. 1 in December 1988, ABC sent a chocolate “1” to congratulate me. Guess they figured that would keep the fat lady happy—or maybe they thought I hadn’t heard (along with the world) that male stars with No. 1 shows were given Bentleys and Porsches. So me and George Clooney [who played Roseanne Conner’s boss for the first season] took my chocolate prize outside, where I snapped a picture of him hitting it with a baseball bat. I sent that to ABC."


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