Lanvin - Alber Elbaz interview * Personal Favorite *
After seeing the LANVIN 2011 movie ad (scroll down last post) I had to tell you my thoughts on the creative genius Mr. Alber Elbaz
Elbaz describes the beauty of a women is truly found in a women in her late 50’s early 60’s when she is without her sex drives and emotion but as her own natural sprit and body, he describes her so eloquently that you start to understand the beauty in Elbaz mind, and I can proudly say I look forward to growing old and developing wrinkles and aging I want to have the full human experience which to me is where beauty lies – I tried to find this article to post but best I could do is give you the issue reference – another must read:
I have had my own struggles fitting in the "Fashion Industry" especially one that is in a small metropolitan city of Toronto and you have 3 centers of consumerism MONTREAL VANCOUVER and but of course TORONTO - meaning by this statement it is a tight niche.. Small circle and I worked with high-end designer brand distribution. So geography is $. The outsiders love Canada generally speaking and when I used to take many fashion house executives on the Canadian tour they too saw the potential… I never forgot Alex.. A Russian cat telling me as he looked up at a number one denim shop in the country in a prominent $ "she she la la" part of town ... in a shocking tone “that’s your top shop… it lacks a lot and I mean a lot of LOVE” as we both stood looking up at the shop's hang tag, one of the letters is slowing blinking as the light within about to die....;)
Alber Elbaz reminds me why I love this industry so much even though my own city can drive me MAD. The industry is completely emotional, loyal and creative to say the least never mind all the fake people (and lurd is their enough but you can usually spot them out) the industry is NOT built on WHAT’S HOT TODAY AND OUT TOMORROW, I think FASHION IS ABOUT LONGEVITY AND DOING YOUR WORK. It isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about process—keeping it going. That is what the strength of every brand was built on - innovation and strong heritage this only happens after years and years of development and drive. Hence my personal love for vintage and I will always stay to true to my first love fashion .. & music a very very close second.
Best article I read was in ANCE PAPER

Paul Wetherell
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